
Basic messages protocol and design guide.

Messages are presented via JSON strings for sending through network and via standard dict objects for local dispatching.

Messages in Bachata can be of two types:

  1. Data messages
  2. Transport messages

Data messages

Data messages are generic messages with any users data. Format is very simple yet flexible, and here’s a basic pattern:

    "id": (str) Message ID,
    "type": (str) Message type,
    "time": (int) Unix-style timestamp in milliseconds,
    "data": (str) / (obj) String or object,
    "from": (str, optional) Sender, may be empty for messages "by system"
    "dest": (str, optional) Destination, may be empty if it's non-adressed
    "sign": (str, optional) Signature

All fields format except “time” are left for programmers choice!

Here are some ideas on schema design:

  1. “id” can be UUID v4, integer number as string or any other unique string
  2. “type” field values will be used by routers for filtering, i.e. router for direct messages will pick "type": "direct" messages, router for group chats will pick "type": "group" messages, etc. This field must be a string! Integers are reserved for transport messages.
  3. “dest” is a destination identifier, which router should understand, i.e. for direct messages it may be user ID, for group chat messages it may be group chat ID, etc.
  4. “data” could be {"text": "some message text"} for text messages, {"location": 33.034:55.0234} for geographic location messages, may be a mix of many fields {"text": "hi!", "image": "http://..."}, etc.
  5. “sign” field could be hash of data concatenated with secret token, which is transferred once when user is authenticated, and can be generated and checked both on server and client for preventing unauthorized sending.

There are no really de-facto standard protocols which are simple and at the same time comprehensive, so feel free to design your own!

Maybe later we’ll have some best practices section or even a kind of recommended schema, who knows.

Transport messages

Transport messages are necessary for reliable delivery. Receiver client will notify server on receiving, server will notify senders on deliver, etc.

Transport messages have integer type field!

They have very simple format:

    "type": (int) Transport type,
    "data": (str) Message ID,
    "sign": (str, optional) Signature

Types description table:

Type Description
100 server => sender, server has received message for delivery
200 server <= receiver, receiver has got message
300 server => sender, server has delivered message
1000 server => client, connection “ready” message
1001 “ping” message, should be responded with “pong”
1002 “pong” message, should be sent in response to “ping”

Base protocol class

class bachata.proto.BaseProtocol[source]

Basics for messages loading, dumping and format validation.


Dump message to str.


Load message to dict from str.

make_message(id=None, type=None, time=None, dest=None, from_=None, sign=None, data=None)[source]

Create new message dict.